Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is yo name

***random alert** Don't judge me

I am not sure why I was thinking about strip clubs 10am in the morning but I was. (forgive me Mom)  Well, actually I got to strip clubs from a crude joke from a friend.  Long story short he asked if my knee is feeling any better to which I replied with a "No" and he responds with "Are you using pillows".  Which prompted the response "I am using your pillow". (forgive me Mom again)  I am as confused as I read back on this sh*t on how I got to strippers.  My thought process went into how there will be a new coworker starting and how I usually give a fake name just to be the a*&hole.  *light goes off in head*  annnnd there we have it!!

So from time to time I have may have visited a strip club or two for pure sh8ts and giggles.  What always blows my mind are the need for the strippers to ask what your name is.  Some call it good customer service me personally I wonder if they think I am lonely, desperate, or rich.  When asked this question my answer is always the same: My name is Mike Williams.  It is very generic, easy to remember and something that they don't have to ask "WHAT" over and over, and gets them out of my face ASAP.

What makes these chicks think that I would give them my real name?  I mean if I ask their name they just tell me it is Candy, Storm, Thunder, or something else completely ridiculous.  So if they are in the business of having fake names why can't I?  I at least keep my name respectable and if they facebook that name it will keep them busy for hours trying to find the "real" Mike Williams.

Strippers we SPIT err--you know what I have a soft spot in my heart for ya!!

*all those ladies that do strip drop me a line at 443 juuust playing*