Thursday, December 20, 2012

Philly is pissing me off

For the most part the city of Philadelphia has treated me well enough or at least well enough for me to stay here this long.  Every once in a while I will have a day that is just full of f*ckery and all types of bullsh*t!  Just for the record Philly drivers are starting to move up on the a**hole list.

I am driving behind some dude this morning and the a**hole was not paying attention because he was in his damn phone and talking to the passenger so I am trailing carefully.  We stop at a light then it turns green and the d*ckhead is just sitting there so I lightly tap the horn as to say, "hey look up and go" as opposed to me holding down the horn saying, "The f*ck is you doing B*tch a** Motherf*cker".  See the difference?  So as he slowly accelerates he decides to give me the finger out the window.  Me being the fine citizen that I am flipped him the bird back along with a few choice words that he never heard because my windows were rolled up.  As he proceeds to drive down the street he thought he was being "funny" and slams on the brakes like I don't have cat like reflexes.  What he did not know was that if I had rear ended him I was jumping out the car throwing the first 3 punches in his face and then jumping in my car and going home.  I just can't wait until the day that I have the battering ram on my car!

The second incident I was around the corner from my house at Lincoln Fried Chicken trying to get a few slices of pizza and in walks this maybe middle aged but quite possibly older the middle aged hood chick.  She walks in the cashier offers his assistance she declines then looks up at tv and whatever show were talking about injections for women to get rid of wrinkles.  I am not sure what made her think that I gave a f*ck about her or the show but she wants to start telling me that they never talk about men and their wrinkles and they only talk about women because men care.  She told me that men get wrinkles too and they need injections or some nonsense.  I nodded politely and responded with "right" as she kept mumbling on and missing the cue that I came for food and not conversation.  Before she walks out the door she threw some trash away and swallowed more than half of her banana whole.  Had I know that was her special trick before the conversation started I may have actually made that the discussion point. lol

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Over in France the new President, Francois Hollande, is proposing to tax the rich (income $1.24 mil a year) 75% of their income.  This is the most asinine thing I have ever heard!  For people to even think that is a good idea baffles the mind and the fact that the President of a damn country thinks this would be effective for his country is dumbfounding and quite concerning even for France.

I like to say that if the Government ever tried to tax me 75% of my income that they would have to show up to the doorstep with a motherf*cking AK-47 and Mike Tyson and pry it from my dead body.  If anybody thinks they are taking 75% of my money please know that I will defecate on as many bills as possible and pile them all up and then and have somebody collect "their" money then.  There is no way anybody can reasonably think that I am going to bust my a** and somebody is going to come in and take more than half!  These types of proposals are what causes fights to break out and not stop for weeks at a time.

The problem with the idea coming from this socialist President is that he is only making things worst for his country and not helping a damn thing.  What is happening and what will happen even more is that the wealthy who will get taxed unfairly will say, "F*ck you I am moving". So now the rich people you wanted to tax for being successful are gone and you now have nobody to tax out their a**.  So, now that the rich are gone and so are the damn jobs that they provided.  Which just gives you more broke bastards that the Government takes care of but there is no money to pull from because the idiot ran them off. *note to self career in politics if male stripper falls through *

All I know is that I have my eye on a certain President over here but I am sure he is smart enough to know that type of backwards thinking does more harm than it does good. (giggles)  I mean the last thing we need over here is to realize that he might be able to almost pull some sh*t off over here because a majority of the people don't even know they are lambs being led to the slaughter.

I will leave you with this question:  When is the last time you have been employed by a piss poor person?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tickle me Elmo

Have the actions of Kevin Clash, former Elmo puppeteer left you with a rash of questions?

Sooo, what happens to Elmo?

I mean something has to happen with Elmo, right?

 Is Elmo now tainted?

Can Elmo resign?

Do you now wonder what Oscar the Grouch might have been doing in the trashcan?

Does this make the Bert and Ernie rumors a little more believable? 

Are you buying your child Tickle Me Elmo for X-mas this year?

Are you now wondering what Elmo was really tickling?

How many of you trusted a grown man sticking his hand up a puppet's a**?

What type of perverted activities has Kevin Clash done with the Elmo doll?

If Kevin Clash was to go to jail would him and Jerry Sandusky share a cell?

Was Mitt Romney onto something with wanting Sesame Street to fund themselves instead of the Gov't?