Monday, June 2, 2014

You need better friends

There comes a point in your life when you realize that some of the people that you used to be friends with are no longer there or that your current group of friends no longer should be there.  There is no timetable when one of these or both can happen but I just guarantee it will happen.    It is just something that happens with getting older.  Lets just call it the facts of life.

This b*tch right here needs a new set of friends, husband, Pastor, pistol, rope, and a bathroom cabinet full of pills (too far). I mean there is just soooo much to say to this tomfoolery right here.  Thankfully the baby was not hurt in the marriage of the village idiots.  Still trying to figure out which village had the biggest idiot but that is neither here nor there at this point.  Any good friend does not let her go out there and drag her damn baby down the aisle on the train of the dress.  When this chick brings this up and you see that she is serious the immediate response is supposed to be, " See, um naw".  Very efficient and gets to the point without using big words to confuse the village idiot.  It is very important to not use big words when dealing with this one!  Good friends don't let you walk out the house looking like a fool, get jumped, eat with the wrong fork out in public, spell "there" when you meant to spell "their", etc.

Her husband should be stoned for letting his 1 month old baby be dragged down the damn aisle.  Matter of fact he should be dragged down the damn street on a motherf*cking slip n slide. *sidenote* Any bets on if that is really his child?  This can't be the woman's first display of stupidity.  I know nothing more than what the article stated and but I will most certainly go out on a ledge and say this is a dumb a** b*tch the dumbest of the dumb.  If they make another Dumb and Dumber movie she will be the lead.  The fact that he would even decide on walking down the aisle definitely lets me know that his decision making is suspect at best.  If you see him on the street slap him for the baby and one time for me.

What was the Pastor doing who married the two buffoons?  Everybody has a price and I understand that but damn.  I mean your price should be pretty high to marry two fools in the house of the lord with rows full of people watching.  Your balls have to be made of adamantium (X-Men reference) to complete that ceremony in all seriousness.  This is all I will say about the Pastor because I fear stepping out the house and a lightning bolt coming out of nowhere to fry me.

In case anybody is wondering my people may lose a supporter over this one here smh.  In fact if you were to say the white man I might not even argue but that is a topic for a different day.