Thursday, November 18, 2010

F&ck You Pay Me!!!

B*tch, when I have it so will you.  Bill collectors you can all suck my left n*t. Naw naw, I would not even give you that pleasure of doing that.*random alert*  Why do men say things like suck my d*ck or lick on deez nuts like that would be such a horrible thing?  In life isn't that what you want?  It makes no sense to ever say this in a demeaning way whatsoever.  Truthfully, you should add a "would you please" to turn it into a question and you might get a better answer. *end of randomness*

Bill collectors you are the bane of my existence.  I will talk to you once in a while you call but not every single time you call. So stop f*cking calling.  I pick up the first time and tell you "Maaaan, I aint got it but when I do we can work something out".  So why in the hell do you continue to call me all the damn time?  At no point have I contacted you to say "Hey I got it" so let it go.  I do not want to talk to you because we have nothing to talk about.  You want my money and I have none.  That conversation is no fun at all for you or me.  You calling a bunch of times a day does not but make me pick up the phone it does the exact opposite.  I am sure you are tired of leaving voice mails and I am tired of deleting them. 

I am thinking I will call you at random times of the day looking for something I know you don't have.  Better yet I will call your offices and just leave messages.  "Good morning, this is Brantley Taylor I am calling to say I don't have it.  When I do have it I just might make you beg for it even though I hate beggars.  So, if you beg for it you might never see it."  When I call you I am going to call you from random numbers so I can "trick" you guys into thinking that one of your friends is calling to see how you are doing.  Then when I don't hear from you I will use your first name so you think it is somebody from your past and make you want to call back. SMH

Bill collectors go drink after Magic Johnson!!!

1 comment:

  1. omg get out of my head SON. why the F does Sallie Mae call me once an hour on the hour like every DAMN DAY!!!
