"Giiiiirl, why do you open your thighs so wide? Do you know what your self worth is? Your body is a temple and your mind should be mine" Shut the f*ck up male spoken word artist!! You know who you are those guys always kicking that buuuullsh*t. You guys slay me and make me throw up a little bit in my mouth.
I barely take any of you guys seriously. For the most part you make me laugh and then take a nap on train tracks. I mean really who are you fooling? You talk this sh*t about appreciating the women because you do NOT have one corny a*& sucka!! You talk that good good about rebuilding the community because you were the kid that picked on by the neighborhood bully.
I like poetry as much as the next person and I do appreciate good poems but these male spoken word artists kill me. Sure, there are some that are out there that are not that bad but they are are faaaar and few in between. Maybe, I don't like you because you always have this "better than thou" vibe or maybe I am mad that I can never ever get the time I spent listening to you back.
Mr. Spoken Word Artist how about you take a different career choice and try being a con man. I see so many ladies swoon over the words that come out of your mouth and say "Giiirl he is so deep". * confused look* Chick, all he really said was that he wanted to have sex with you and wanted a lil head from your friend. You fool so many people into thinking you have talent when in reality it is minimal. Matter of fact spoken word artist I have something for you:
The way your words are twisted and spit, I can tell you aint sh*t.
Your dirty clothes let me know you are down on your luck.
Do us all a favor can you, will you?
Find that man in the mirror and knock yourself out!!! *snaps *
ur an asshole..lmao! too damn funny! *snaps*