Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Whaasssup Doc??

Soo, remember how I said yesterday Doctor's should have a degree??  After the visit today I feel like I was bamboozled. My $20 co-pay made me so DAMN mad.  I could have swore these things used to be like $5!!  The nurse was half disgruntled and did not know how to speak.  That $20 co-pay means you should respond to "good morning" and a Mr. Taylor would not hurt either.  Granted this is not the Doctor's fault but she should at least know how to control her stable.

Maybe I was expecting more from the regular check up at the Doctors but I was underwhelmed greatly.  When I was a child the Doctor used to stick his hand down my pants coddle my testicles and tell me to cough.  I purposely chose a woman Doctor to erase those horrible memories but I guess the testicle grabbing ends when you are grown.  Imagine how pissed I was to find that just want not happening anymore.  If you know me you do really understand I am damn upset about this.  The fact that it does not happen anymore makes me really wonder was this guy just enjoying himself.  Must not be that important for it to stop now.

Long story short she asked me a couple of questions made me say "ahhh" and examined my knee only because of the complaints I had for it.  The blood work I had done she gave me the option of getting it done or not.  I thought maybe checking if I had bad cholesterol would not be an optional thing but something mandatory because it is important.  Guess not!!  The real icing on the cake for me was her telling me that I was healthy and young and I don't have to come back for another few years.  Excuse me, what the f*ck did you just tell me?  Seriously I mean what if in the next year something develops and I don't realize it and by the time I get to you it is already too late!  Besides, if you get paid every time I see your a&* why not tell me to see you at least once a year.  Makes sense to me but ehhh well.


  1. lol..get a new doctor asap!

    You're a perv!! but maybe you should learn how to do ur self testicular exam..lol..

  2. Perv. I just new at a young age I did not like men touching on me. lol

  3. The testicular exam is only to ensure that the scrotums have dropped properly. By your age there is no need to continue checking. LOL.

    But you do need another doctor. You should have a yearly exam and the doctor should advise you on what test will need to be taken. But they give you the option to take them now because all insurances don't pay for them.
