Some people might say I have an anger management problem. Me, I think I am level headed and have a great amount of common sense.
One of my friends emailed me a cragislistpost for an anger management study. I will give you a quick snippet of what the email said:
• Is anger a problem for you?
• Are you quick to anger or act on your anger?
• Do you have outbursts that you are embarrassed about later?
Why is anger a problem? I think that means that I am alive, well and functioning GREAT. You are damn right I will get angry if somebody does some dumb sh*t or something idiotic happens. Why the f*ck not? Anger is just another emotion like being happy. Nobody has treatments for happy management problem. I know some motherf*ckers that are just cheesing all the damn time and they need to have that smile slapped off of their face.
Sometimes I am quick to anger and quick to act on my anger. What is it to you chump? Some people are quick to react and there is nothing wrong with that. Quick reactions save lives.
They got me on this one. Sometimes I do get embarrassed from my outburst. You know why? Only because sometimes I get flustered while driving and yelling out my car at you in anger. So, if I have ever called you a "motherf*cker" I meant to be more descriptive and say, "Morbidly obese Motherf*cker" or "Stupid Motherf*cker" and for that I apologize. When used in that sense "motherf*cker" is a noun and the adjective is definitely needed.
So in closing I will say I did sign up for this study and hopefully they will learn that nothing is wrong with me and it is everybody who are just simple motherf*ckers!!!
oh dear lol