In life sometimes there are second chances and other times not so much. Some people know what to do with second chances and others don't. Ideally you would think people would learn from their first mistake but some motherf*ckers are just too dumb to get it.
Lets take Clifford Harris for example aka T.I. aka T.I.P. aka I will get plowed in jail if I don't lift weights. From jump street before the machine gun arrest he was already a felon for some stupid sh*t. In theory he should already be walking on eggshells because he has f*cked up multiple times before but nooooo you had to be a bad ass. You get the guns and silencers and get caught in the parking lot of a K-mart, Walmart, Target or something along those lines on some real f*ck boy sh*t. When everything was all said and done Clifford ended up doing about a year and a day behind bars give or take time for good behavior or something. Made a damn good cd in Paper Trail through all of this nonsense. You would think that would be enough for a person to wise the f*ck up but naaaw.
Fast forward a couple months after getting out of jail and getting married this dumb bastard gets arrested AGAIN!! This time he was with his wife Tiny(yeah I know) out in Vegas. He was pushing the Maybach with the wife and the dummy made an illegal U-turn got pulled over by the police and they got caught with drugs in the car. First of all who drives a damn Maybach without the chauffeur? Two, who just gets out of jail and rides around with epills. Now, my theory is that he had the drugs to look at his wife but I guess in the grand scheme of things that is neither here nor there. All I know this was hi umpteenth chance and the a*&hole could not get it right. He has to do another 11 months in jail and was bitching about forgiveness and he needs help about his addiction or some nonsense. I say f*ck this simple, young, rich motherf*cker!! Go to jail redo your album and don't drop the soap. However, if you do remember twist and clench!!!
Now, my theory is that he had the drugs to look at his wife but I guess in the grand scheme of things that is neither here nor there.....*ROFLMAO* *dead*