Thursday, November 4, 2010

Keep em ringing

"Are you a mouse or a man?"........Roger Goodell.  You are making me think you are a little soft.  Something like a chump!!  I am all for the safety of NFL players but dammit it is in the National Football League and I want to see BIG hits!

All of these fines for illegal hits are getting a tad out of hand and along with the Steeler's Troy Polamalu  believe Goodell has way too much power for one man.  In the words of Kanye West "No one man should have all that power".  He is the judge, jury, and the executioner and nothing about is even fair.  Not sure how the NFL owners and players association have let him get away with and nobody has spoken up before.  There has to be some type of checks and balances on this issue.  Michael Wilbon, writer and co host of the show Pardon The Interruption suggested that a panel of former players, coaches, and other figures involved with the game should have a say on what these "illegal" hits are.  Input from those who have actually played in the NFL and have witnessed and even in some cases experienced explosive hits have knowledgeable experience that should be used.

Defenders have to walk on egg shells while trying to do their job because of the chance of being fined or suspended for doing their job.  I am all for fining players who play dirty or are just plain reckless but asking a defender to stop their momentum in the last minute just because a QB has released the ball is ridiculous.  What is a defender supposed to do when the ball carrier drops their head the last minute trying to avoid contact and instead gets their head knocked off. It is hard enough playing defense with all the rules that favor the offense don't take the intimidation factor away from the Ray Lewis' and James Harrisons' and the heavy hitters of the NFL.  The fun is already gone out of the touch down celebrations please don't take my violence. 

I would spit on you Roger Goodell but my throat hurts and I am scared your are going to fine me and I just can't afford what you hand out bastard!

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