Saturday, November 6, 2010


This past Tuesday was election day for Governors, Senators and all those other important figures that should be for the people.  Everybody was running around screaming to the top of their lungs about how they were going to vote and all other types of nonsense.  I only say it is nonsense because the people I know talk this voting sh*t don't know a damn thing about what or who they are voting for but I digress.  I really just want to vent about Gov't efficiency or lack of it.

Lets take the Census for example.  Every ten years the Gov't wants us to participate in this so they can have a better understanding of how funds should be distributed blah blah blah.  I am fine with this in theory but all I really see is a lot of undue spending.  Take for instance in the mail I get a letter saying "CENSUS" and I was excited to fill out and do my civil duty.  Why in the f*ck was it only a piece of mail telling me to look out for the Census coming in a few weeks.  Really, I mean c'mon you send that to every home in America and you have killed a lot of trees, used too many damn envelopes, and more importantly pissed me off!  I don't need a piece of paper to tell me something else is coming I am not that damn stupid.  I mean WTF is efficient about that Gov't??  Sounds like a waste of motherf*cking money Uncle Sam.

To add injury to insult the Census worker that came my door so I could fill out the Census(yeah so I forgot to mail mine in sue me) was a dum dum.  The FIRST time she came I filled the forms and we had a pleasant conversation.  The next time she comes so I can fill them out again, I let her know I already completed mine she says "Ohhh, this is not 4206 it is 4204 if I could read I would be dangerous". 

If that is not inefficient I am not sure what is.  Ehh, I take that back.  Children that get free breakfast and free lunch are supposed to come from a household that would be eligible for food stamps.  So, if the family gets food stamps which gives them food that is paid for by the Gov't then ideally you should have food in your fridge so why the f*ck do these fat bastards get free meals at school?  Talk about a waste of money.  I am not in the business of taking handouts but if they are handing out money sign me up!!

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