Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He deserves an applause !!

Is Donovan McNabb the most disrespected QB  player in the history of the NFL?  Living in the City of Brotherly Love for the last 8 years I have seen the Love Hate relationship this city has had with Donnie firsthand.  Let me tell you something it has never been anything pretty at all.  Sure, there are knocks on Donovan that he has not won a Super Bowl, he is a "choker", and he skips too many balls.  To that I simply say in his 11 years of playing for the Eagles he went to 5 Conference Championships!! FIVE!!  That means that for damn near half of his career he has been to the NFC Conference Championship.  Sounds like a winner if I have ever heard of one.  Dan Marino has no chip but people love to argue he is one of the greatest to do it.

Lets look at the numbers.  Donovan's statistically greatest season came in 2004 when he had 31 touchdowns, 8 interceptions, 3 rushing touchdowns and a 104.7 QB rating.  This is the 1 time that the Eagles made it all the way to the Super Bowl and of course gave McNabb a truly great receiver in Terrell Owens.  Now, in all his years beside 2009 where he was able to play with Desean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin he has been throwing to sub par receivers.  Just for a FYI he had 22 touchdowns and ten picks last years missing two games from injured ribs on a cheap shot taken by a defender in the end zone.  NEVER has he thrown for more than 13 picks a year or had a statistically crappy year than his rookie season which was cut short by injury.  I dare you to look at any of your favorite QB's numbers and look at the rosters that year and tell me that what Donnie has done over his career has been anything less than stellar.

If the football Gods are smiling upon us all next year we can only hope Brad Childress survives in Minnesota and McNabb ends up there with Adrian Peterson, his former offensive coordinator, healthy receivers in Percy Harvin, Sidney Rice and a decent O-line.  If this magically happens we might see 2004 all over again with a different ending and maybe people finally admitting that McNabb is truly one of the elite quarterbacks this league has seen.

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