I should just go ahead and complete the cycle about my road rage err- driving tutorial. Pedestrians suck balls, bikers should eat and choke on balls, but other drivers you take the cake.
There are days that I have no clue what you f*ckers are doing. Lets take the day in the summer of 2009 when this stupid hoodrat backed her car into me. This non geometry taking whore made this right turn at the corner and somehow got the corner back end of a delivery truck stuck in her front passenger window. Not sure what kind of angle she thought she had to take but this sh*t was theee worst turn I have ever seen. She somehow thought flooring the car in reverse was the way to go with a car right behind her.
People who merge into my lane without a f*cking signal when we are side by side. Hey b*tch you don't have a damn tank!! You are not going to roll over my car we are going to collide and both our vehicles are going to be messed up and then I am going to fall out the car and fake a seizure. Or if you look like you don't have a pot to piss in I will say f*ck the lawsuit angle and your face will meet my backhand.
Taxi drivers I hate you all except for the one dude that took our boys into old city with a mp3 player type of thing for music. Granted you almost caused an accident trying to pick us up on the corner but I suppose you can be excluded from this. I am pretty sure a lot of you taxi drivers are nice people but you drive like you found your license in a box of crackerjacks! Besides being rude, selfish, and ignorant you bastards could manage to shave and or shower here and there.
In the famous words of Kanye West "Wait til I get my money right". When that happens all you f*ck boy drivers are in trouble. I am going to get a hummer the real hummer. Military issued, gas guzzling, off road, drive through a mountain hummer. I will purchase the BEST insurance known to man and have a freaking ball. My license plate will say "It was me". If you are driving in front of me and the light is yellow don't you come to a stop it means proceed with caution not stop your damn vehicle. IF you decide to not obey the light I will ram my hummer into the back of your vehicle with no concern for human life. While driving in front of me and you decide that the cool thing is to stop your vehicle and throw on your hazard lights and open the door I will take that b*tch CLEAN off. Last but not least I know this is more pedestrian related but parents if you even step out with your little child in the street and it is my right away you already know what it is!!!
Drivers that don't drive like me I SPIT on you!!!
You are still with this Hummer Talk? lol...you been talking about a military hummer since I can remember. smh