Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The post today will be something out of the norm from Spitting and Cussing.  My good friend will be taking over the duties for today and will be the special blogger.  Stef Black and I have known each other since freshman year of college and it is my pleasure to give him this opportunity to speak his mind.  The views represented do not necessarily represent the views of Spitting and Cussing and all that other jazz.  However, I simply say AMEN.

I have such a problem with religion that I am forced to tell people I have none. I mean hey, was Jesus a Christian? Not that I don’t believe in God because I do. I also believe that Jesus died for the sins of man. But I guess I had enough, after seeing a repeated cycle of what seems to be an organized, theatrical telethon that we call the 21st Century Christian experience. I’m tired of hearing the scandal, seeing pastors in church doing cartwheels, and hitting high notes, while the lady in the 3rd row gives the last of her money for the “church fund”.  After church, that same lady walks to catch the bus while the pastor and his associates drive off in their Beamer, Benz or Bentley. No one is perfect but when things go wrong in the church those people need to be made an example of and not protected by their co-worshipers. What this cycle does is push the REAL people away from church, and allow the fake to congregate inside. At least that’s how it seems.
Sitting in church, watching people shout, jump, scream, cry, and listening to the pastor PAUSE when his words don’t incite enough excitement from his parishioners, it makes me question what is it all for? Perhaps I have begun to appreciate the calmer more peaceful Catholic service I once knew. Maybe I am not as strong of a Christian if I am not able to shout jibberish and move around uncontrollably while I pray. It took a lot of prayer, understanding and Knowledge of Self to realize that God is in each of us, and His relationship with us can be greater and more powerful than the artificial theatrics that many churches project. Gaining a true understanding of my relationship with God also further gives me freedom to say that organized religion as we know it is some bull sh*t!!!

Yet it continues, tricked down to the next generation of future church-goers. The question is how much more watered down will it be for our children. How far will we deviate from the personal relationship with God that we all really need? Tomorrow’s pastor could be today’s praise dancer, Christian rapper, or even today’s pimp or drug dealer. From a young age I think people are able to grasp how to get what they want from others. Whether it’s a lady who knows how to flirt to get that free Super Size or the pastor who can make you put $30 more in the collection plate with some smooth words about sacrifice.  For this reason, I can’t just sit back and listen without question the derivative of the church’s actions. That is not meant as any disrespect to people who are serious about their relationship with God, but come on! WAKE UP!!! People hate on Catholics and their priests a whole lot, but you know what??? If I wasn’t allowed to get married, had to live at the church, and was being watched constantly I would probably f*ck up too! Matter of fact, I would probably be at the strip club with the ill disguise on right now! My point is we are all flawed, lol

My main point is, in light of all the things I see and have seen, I can’t give churches the benefit of the doubt I used to. We should put our trust in NO MAN, I just think that the Church should be viewed the same way. The same way Burger King and Free Credit Score use Hip-hop to channel your attention; do not think that the church is not capable of doing the same.

All I am saying is think people….or this could be the future of religion!!!


  1. wow. i thought i was the only one. took the words right out of my mouth.... good job Stef

    & honestly, growing up in a catholic church and attending a baptist church now that i am an adult, i feel like i took God way more serious in my catholic church then i do in the baptist church. & this is not to shit on any denomination, bc im a christian and proud to be a christian, but all the foolishness in the baptist church now a days just gets in the way of the seriousness i feel you need to have when it comes to your relationship with god. i cant remember giving so much money in the catholic church but now a days i am always giving for someone or something while these fools drive away in their lavish cars to their big mansions n bethesda, i hop in my beat up honda and drive to my little 4x4 apartment lol...

  2. Hmmm good job indeed Stef!..i'm surprised but glad ya'll took it there. a lot of churches are run like businesses nowadays and you have to be careful where you are going to invest your time, money, and spiritual experience. Not to hate on Philly, but I haven't to been to church in a minute because I have yet to find a church in Philly where I feel like I can be welcomed and have an active relationship with God w/o contributing a decent amount of $ or feel uncomfortable bcuz they lady beside me is having a conniption..i'm still in search for the perfect church..but then again..I think church is only a part of the relationship and not as necessary..especially because of all the corruption and shadiness going on nowadays. but well said!!

  3. Well done Stef Black. Might not get my damn blog back from you. I know not everybody will agree with what was said but the job was done when conventional thinking can be challenged and people disagree or agree but they understand their own viewpoint. Hats off to you!!!

  4. Well done Stef! We are moving to a more conscious way of living; in time, all will understand that there is God in everything and everyone. For those looking to explore what alternatives are out there, please check out:

  5. Thanks yall....haha B, yeah man I might make my Diddy cameos every now and then. It's real good to get things off your chest, but even better when like-minded people agree.

    Y'all say some real good points...Poi, that is so true regarding being more selfless in nature based on our Catholic upbringings. I never thought of the correlation between me doing more of the little things to help others more willingly and my early religious experience. It's funny that Catholics get the most critique though, while it seems other denominations do more to tarnish God's name. It's just more accepted now because of the times.

    Juliana, the question is is there a perfect church? Me and my wife argue about this sometimes, because she likes to look at church from a more optimistic perspective, noting that every church will have some flaw. But when I have to sit in church for 30 extra minutes because they are waiting for a few people to want to be saved, and it becomes more obvious that the angle is more members=more tithes/money, I can't get down with that, and it puts a sour taste in my mouth at the next church. Like Dre said, God is everywhere, it's about our personal relationship. if we focus on that, it don't matter where/how we worship.

  6. My point of view is that no one is in a position to judge others actions. Only God knows the intentions of our hearts and he is the only one who can judge. We make assumptions based on what we see. Yes we see the Pastor in a Beamer, Benz or Bentley, but we honestly dont know the means of how he got it (the priest at my church at home also works for PNC, so his household has 3 incomes, just as an example). I agree with leaving a church if the actions of the congregation and the pastor dont sit well with you and I'm not denying all of the issues that you guys have talked about, but I do have a problem with painting with such a broad stroke.

  7. You want a relationship with God? Read the Bible daily? Confused, have a problem, need answers - Read the Bible daily!!!! Get yourself a good handbook of Bible Applications A-Z.
    Churches are more for entertainment purposes. Eat and socialize (fellowship); sing songs and clap hands (praise and worship); join a ministry to recruit others and help the needy (serve); pay your "club dues" (tithing and stewardship)

    Want a real and meaningful relationship with God - Read the Bible daily! Go straight to the horse's mouth, and remember to go to church, but that's just the superficial stuff - Read the Bible daily!!!!

  8. hmmm, i love the passion on this one! lol, and in response to Stef, I meant the perfect church for me. of course there is no perfect isn't perfect. I feel we all have to understand why it is we personally choose to go to church and wat we want out of that experience..and I'm hopeful that there is a place out there, where, if I take the time to purposely go worship the Lord amongst fellow Christians, that I will feel better and more positive about my relationship with the Lord. No matter what nonsense each church may bring to the table, you have to pick and choose what you take from it and which one is right for you.
