Sunday, December 12, 2010

Race is the game

Lets talk about the dreaded R word.  RACISM!!  Or rather the use of the race card.  Those not familiar with what the race card is it is usually pulled when something goes wrong and somebody may say, "well if I was not _____ I would have gotten the job".  The race card is commonly used by African Americans or people of Hispanic background.  Here at spitting and cussing we love and hate all races differently BUT equally. (I kid)

Not sure if anybody has seen the Duncan Hines commercial that was pulled because of racist claims.  If not I will show you.

Was that commercial offensive.  In my opinion not really it was mild at best.  I am going to say some black people saw this and could see nothing but the chocolate icing and harmonizing and LOST it.  Sure, the advertisers were complete idiots for not mixing the icing up on the cupcakes.  Strawberry and vanilla should have been thrown in there and all of this controversy would not even exist.  Lets face it, whoever thought this was a good idea was not that far off.  Now in the world of race and media one of these mistakes can doom a career or sink a company.  It is safe to say whoever made that commercial we might not be seeing anything from them in a little bit.

Are people really that sensitive these days?  Was that commercial really enough to get in uproar about?  Am I just that much of a insensitive guy?

1 comment:

  1. yea its seriously not that serious... lol ppl go crazy over anything now a days.
