Monday, December 6, 2010

I'll hit her if I have to

Why is that it is socially acceptable for women to hit men but men can't hit them back?  I know this is probably sounding quite simple or even barbaric but I really am curious.  In my mind this just a setup for the female to one day get her a** whooped.

I personally think you should not teach your children this and instead maybe teach them not to hit people in general.  A great disservice is done to children all over the world when this moronic theory is taught.  For example if a female was to hit the modern day B.Dot, she would be picking up her eye from across the room once she woke up.  Don't get it twisted the same goes for a man too.  I simply feel like that I would not hit you why would you do that to me?

I personally take any act of violence towards me rather real or perceived as a threat on my life and will act accordingly.  If you simply shove me expect a leg sweep from me if you punch me expect a roundhouse kick.  If you talk about harming me expect a top 10 a** whooping of all time.  The one thing we should have learned from President Bush should have been "preemptive strike".  In these days of uncertainty this is EVERYTHING.  If you jump all in somebody's grill before they get the chance to do any harm towards you everything works out in your favor.

Take Israel for example a few years ago when they had the war with Gaza.  Gaza was being cute and shooting mortars and stuff and then Israel came and f*cked up their military target, government buildings and police stations.  Then came back and f*cked up everything that they got on the first go round.  This is what we call "preemptive strike"!!  Sure Israel was frowned upon by some but at the end of the day things worked out for them because they won!!

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