Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sorry H*es

I would like to take this time to apologize to some people of the world.  As part of my maturation as a man I am learning to say sorry when I am wrong which is not that often.  However, I think I have never really had this problem but for the sake of the intro lets say I did.

In December or November I wrote a blog about strippers and not everything I said about them was fair and or accurate.  Not all of them are hoes or cum waste dumpsters. They are real people with real emotions.  What made me come to this realization was the Kanye West album My Dark Twisted Fantasy.  There was a skit with Chris Rock and some random woman who may or may not have been imitating Amber Rose, Kanye's ex.  My friend and I were talking about what Amber might have said when she heard that skit.  Then it hit me this chick is brilliant.

Here we have a bald headed ex stripper chick who gets saved by one of the biggest musicians in the world.  Essentially old boy played Captain Save a Hoe to the tee.  So now they are finished with each other and this chick is THRIVING without him.  She has parlayed this tricking into a nice little career for herself.  She had a Ford modeling contract, has a sun glass line coming out, a reality tv show, and gets paid a sh*t load of money to show up and host parties.

My hat goes off to you Amber because you are one of the illest hustlers/entrepreneurs I have EVER seen.  I wrapped my mind around the fact that plenty of people myself included really just bust jokes about strippers and their profession but this woman's career is currently better than mine.  Being a stripper can't be all bad because a lot of them find suitable suckas partners this way even though these same folks just talked horrendously about them.  To all those strippers out there from the bottom of my heart I hope you can accept my apology even though I was pretty accurate in the first blog but ya know who is counting.  Amber, Yeezy taught you well!!

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