Saturday, January 22, 2011


What should be done with Camden, New Jersey?  It has a bunch of problems already.  Can it be saved?  Should it be saved?  Lets start with problem number 1.

Camden resides in the state of New Jersey.  This might be the base of what is really going on with Camden.  It is the armpit of America.  Nobody really wants to visit NJ it is more of a rest stop to somewhere better like Philadelphia or New York.  What has NJ ever really done for you?  Sure, they have given us Redman and Naughty by Nature and Joe Budden but that could or could not be a good thing.  However, we do have Tahiry because of it so I digress.

Camden has this whole violence issue.  It was ranked the second most dangerous city in America last year.  So with that said the fire company and police department have been cut in half.  The place is already a freaking war zone and the city loses half of its heroes because of budget cuts. These cuts took most of the police officers that were the newest recruits and let them go. So in theory, the youngest and most physically able ones are no longer on the force. That leaves them with a bunch of old fat, doughnut eating, out of shape cops running around trying to patrol the jungle.

You throw in the fact that it seems like their city officials, more specifically, the mayors were always getting arrested for some nonsense.  Mob connections, bribes and all other types of unscrupulous actions that is not becoming for a public official.  Then there is that pesky rumor that if the drug trade in Camden was to disappear, so would the economy because the two are do deeply tied into each other. I don't wanna use the words in theory again, so in essence, the drug dealers may be the smartest mother *uckers that reside in Camden. When bad habits, violence, and strife are passed down from parents to children and that is all that surrounds the area, change becomes a very difficult thing to do.  It takes a lot of time and a lot of money.  Neither of which Camden has.

I believe the remaining police officers should be given "that order".  You know the shoot on sight order.  The gangsters and thugs have clearly taken over the city and they should be removed if you want order restored.  A task force needs to be put together to scout all the lowlifes get pictures and then take care of business.  One criminal at a time can catch a bullet to the dome or be nightsticked to death.  This will be a long and grueling process and is probably not in line with the budget cuts that they city has under taken. There is the other option of destroy and rebuild.  Maybe go all Frank Rizzo on them and just firebomb the city.  Whoever gets out of the burning building and then can manage to survive the hail of bullets should be allowed to carry.  Survival of the fittest type of deal but hey who I am they are never going to let me run sh*t anyways!!

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