Friday, January 14, 2011

Guns don't kill people, people kill people

I would like to start off by saying that I do support the right to bear arms.  Little arms, medium arms, big arms I love having the right to be able to posses them.  Sure these weapons can dish out a lot of pain but only when used in the wrong way.  All those that posses firearms should engage in some type of safety course and no that turning the gun sideways is not a kill shot!!

Where all this firearm talk comes from is the article that I was pointed towards: Idiot Dad.  In a nutshell there was a gun show in Massachusetts, a Father let his 8-year-old boy shoot a 9mm micro Uzi submachine gun (yeah some Call of Duty type sh*t).  The 15 year old who was supervising this area advised the Dad against this because of the kickback from the gun and you guessed it the little boy shoots himself in the head.  Does not survive and now the Dad is trying to sue the guy who co-sponsored the machine gun expo.

First of all what kind of crappy Father takes his 8 year old kid to a machine gun expo?  Matter of fact I will give the Dad the pass on maybe trying to teach his child gun safety.  I want to know why you thought it was okay for your child to shoot a Uzi.  It is a damn Uzi for goodness sake.  This is a two handed weapon that grown men have trouble shooting outside of the exception of Arnold  Schwarzenegger and other roided up guys.  Why not hold the gun with the little boy while he is trying this weapon out if it was such an important thing for him to experience?

It behooves me that the Father signed off on paperwork saying that DEATH could result from walking in this expo and completely ignored all advice advising him of this decision.  Sir, I think the people of Massachusetts should sue for being such a complete dumb a**.  This is valuable court time that is being taken up by the World's Greatest Dad!!  You never wish harm on anybody and I am sorry for the pain that this man and his family has felt but dude you did this to yourself.  Your common sense is very low, matter of fact probably null and void but your balls are  the size of grapefruits.

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