Monday, November 12, 2012

Is religion the new politics??

It has been a very long time since I have decided to put my thoughts to the keyboard and pump out a new blog post.  There has been plenty of sh*t going on since my last post to rant and rave about and maybe I will get there but this has definitely been on my mind.  Give me a few posts to shake off the rust.

Is religion the new politics? That subject that makes people lose their heads and think about grabbing a pistol to do the Lord's work!  As we all know the 2012 election ended about a week ago and Barack Obama was elected to serve another 4 years as the President of the United States.  This election has stirred so many emotions about politics from people who I would never thought gave a damn about anything.  People were shouting all the time go out and vote because it is your right and you should vote just because you can.  WRONG!! I prefer dumb, uneducated, ignant motherf*ckers to stay the hell home if you have no clue what you are voting for.  Vote for whoever you want but know why however I digress.

After the election I had one of the strangest interactions with a friend.  I was asked about my thoughts on the elections and I simply replied that they did not want to know.  Sh*t went all downhill from there. smh

Me: I did not vote for the President.

Them: I can't talk to you anymore since you didn't not Barack the vote.

Me: I figured that much

Them: Okay take care

Me: lol cold word huh

Me: With all that said am I still allowed to hang out with you?lol

 *20 minutes later *

Me: Wait, you serious?

Them: Yes I am

Me: Okay

*45 minutes later *

Them: I can't believe ur a republican.....

Me: Who said that?

Them: If u didn't vote democrat then.....

Me: Unaffiliated, green, etc

Them: Omg good night

Me: Only Democrat is right?

Them: Right for me

Me: Oh okay

Them: Good night smh

I have never had anybody stop being my friend because of political affiliations even thought I did not specify what I was.  Hell, I may not have even voted for all they know.  I understand people not wanting to be friends because of money, sexual relations with their significant other, or eating the last f*cking Oreo cookie but this sh*t???  I am glad people are trying to be involved in what shapes America's future but damn...kick rocks.  I mean what would your President do?

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