All of the nonsense happened yesterday and maybe it was just a case of the Mondays or maybe just a case of IGNANT a** hoodrats. I am walking around West Philly and a street cleaner is riding around on his lawnmower trash picker upper thing trying to pick up the trash on the streets. This man waiting for a few minutes for these two hookers to move off the corner of the street and onto the sidewalk so he could vacuum the debris. Don't you know these lazy motherf*ckers did not move at all!! They stood there and continued on with their conversation like this man was not trying to keep THEIR streets clean. I am going to go out on a limb and say some of the litter came from those find upstanding wh*res. I was at a loss of words because all they had to do was a take few steps up and to the left and they would have been out of the way and had a cleaner street to stand on. Hell the couple of steps they could have taken would have maybe helped burn off a calorie or two which would not have hurt their bottom line.
Later on in the day I was searching for a flat screen television for my bedroom on craigslist and came across a decent deal. So I sent an email:
Me:I was on CL and recently saw your ad for the 24 inch Dynex television. Is that still available?
Her: yes I just posted it.
Me: Everything is good with the tv? When does it need to be picked up by?
Her: As I said in the ad, it works perfectly. If you can pick it up tomorrow anytime after 10 am, I'll hold it for you. Please confirm the time to pick it up. Once you confirm the time, I'll give you my exact address and cell. My house is around 5&6th, Dickinson & Tasker streets (zip 19147).
Me: Is this tv HD compatible?
Her: this is the item.
Maybe, I am just sensitive but I felt like this simple motherf*cker was giving me too much lip. I ignored the first email talking about she just posted the ad but the second email is what really set me off with "As I said in the ad" b*tch I will break your tv as I come to pick it up. The nerve of these people. She posted an ad that did not have that much information and I was trying to make an informed decision because I am buying a tv from some random person online and not a damn store. What she does not know is that her attitude cost her the $150 she wanted for the television. If you are reading this I want you to know that I rather give a store an extra $75 than give you what you asked for you ungrateful piece of sh*t!!! F*ck you and your flat screen!!!!!

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