Monday, November 26, 2012


I wanted to do a blog centered around Thanksgiving and maybe stating what I was thankful for but I believe I have done that before .  So, I racked my brain on trying to figure out what to write about, what do people think about when they hear the word Thanksgiving?  It dawned on me "YAMS" .  I mean who does not like yams?

So within the past two weeks a couple events have happened over some "yams" and it really got me thinking.  You may not be living until you just snap out over some yams like a good core shaking snap out.  Sure, some of you are like what are you talking about, who REALLY snaps out over yams. Ladies and gentleman I give you former WNBA player, Chamique Holdsclaw. YUP, you read it right she let off a shot from the oowap and put a hole in this b*tch's car.  She broke their windows and poured gasoline on the damn truck trying to blow that motherf*cker up.  That right there is some excellent yams.  When you are ready to throw away your own life over some damn yams, some unspeakable sh*t must have happened to you and threw you completely off orbit and you want all that sh*t back.

What if I have it all wrong about these WNBA chicks?  What if they really get it CRACKING!  What if the league is not made up of a bunch of chicks that might be able to give me a scare on a game of 1 on 1?  What if there are more hidden gems than women-men things in the NBA?  What if the h*es really could not make me quiver and assume a fetal position at night by yelling at me to "Eat the cake Anna Mae"?

The second event that happened but was of no shock to me happened to be about my favorite woman of all time, Halle Berry, the real Helen of Troy.  Depending on what side tells the story you are not really sure who was the aggressor and who was the victim but I mean who cares?  Fellas, I get it from both point of views.  The Baby Daddy was dropping his child off and took one look at Halle and realized he wanted that old thing back and went to throw fisticuffs.  I get it I really do!  Or maybe the new dude looked at the ex and realized he was once using no condom and skeeting all in Halle and sent him into a uncontrollable rage and lost it and tried to remove dude's head from his shoulders.  It is Halle f*cking Berry I get it.

Hope everybody had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I know whoever is with Chaminque's  ex is having the best Yamsgiving ever!!

1 comment:

  1. "What if there are more hidden gems than women-men things in the WNBA?"

    Lmaooooo I'm mad that I agree wit every one of your preconceived notions about wnba women.
