Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My random a** day

My random thoughts from today.....

I will never ever understand why the Police department make you take a test to prove that you are physically fit to become a Roller but they don't make you take any tests to maintain these standards.  Earlier in the day I watched these old, fat, white police officers drive by and was quite perplexed to think that at one point in life they were in shape.  I struggled with the thought they could catch me if I decided to break the law and it dawned on me that they would be the ones to shoot me and not chase.

As I become older there is just some sh*t I can't support anymore.  Take for instance this Lil Wayne character who is a quality enough rapper at times but really is just a piece of sh*t!  I let a lot of this ratchet sh*t slide most of the time because from time to time I enjoy the nonsense but this dude's deposition  hearing was beyond horrible.  The stupid thing is that he was the one doing the suing and wants to act like an a**.  I am hear to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  You are an entertainer...sure I get it but cut it out.  You kiss your "Father" in the mouth, there are tats and piercings all over your face and you weigh a 145lbs soaking wet.  I just don't believe you.  The problem is that there are a bunch of young knuckleheads out there that saw the video and will repeat that same performance in court someday thinking they are cool , but will only find out that type of behavior gets them thrown behind bars, where Bubba makes them put their ankles over their head and count to 75 with their eyes closed.  You are f*cking up the hood man.  At least try and give them a fighting chance.

Not that it matters but I just can't purchase any of your music anymore not that I have bothered to buy anything after the 2nd Carter but who is really paying attention.  I will however give you credit for one of the greatest lines of all time, "Whats your real name, not your stripper name".  Tell me you never wanted to ask her that lol

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