Thursday, February 24, 2011

What do you mean???

I would just like to say that this post is not about anybody in particular and all characters and events are purely fictional.  However, if the shoe fits wear it ;)

Way back when in second grade I was the Spelling Bee champion.  Your boy was NICE!!  I wish more of that skill carried over but then the spell check system on the computer set in and it was a WRAP.  I can still spell most words but the crazy days of spelling ridonkulous words are behind me.

There was this project I was apart of and it dealt with group work and a decent amount of brainstorming.  Writing on a dry erase board works perfectly so the group can see what is going on as the ideas are flowing out.  SO, ideally the person who is doing the writing should be able to spell, hopefully.  Especially if you hold some type of administrative position.  You know something close to being a secretary.

At first this was no big deal but then it became downright hilarious and slightly embarrassing.  It then got me to thinking about a segment that I am going to call "What do you mean" (if anybody steals this idea I am coming in for 700%)  For example in the story, what do you mean your an administrative assistant and can't spell?

What do you mean you can't swim and you are a lifeguard?

What do you mean you are a chef and can't cook?

What do you mean you are a fireman and afraid of fire?

What do you mean you can't read but you are a librarian?

How are you a prostitute and not do anal?

What  do you mean your wife is white but you are pro black?

What do you mean your fat and Somalian? (that one was wrong)

What do you mean you are a trash man but don't want to throw trash in the truck?

What do you mean you are a crash test dummy but don't want to get in an accident?
How are you afraid of heights and you fly a plane?


  1. - A $2 hooker will probably let you sh*t on her. A $1000 hooker though "might" not. There are some hookers who only do certain things unless maybe if you get your money way up...

    - Does "pro-black" mean "anti-white"?

    - Not all chefs "cook". For instance, a butcher is considered a chef and all he gotta do is cut meat

    - I am sure there are some trash-men who would rather be doing something else or did you mean 'can't' instead of 'want'

    - Similar concept with firemen. Just cos you run in when others are running out doesn't mean you're not afraid.

    - Admin. Asst: Look pretty/Have big jugs/Type fast/good speller = plus

  2. Always that onnnne person who takes it all serious *looks up*
