Monday, August 8, 2011

Monkeying Around

So on Saturday I went to see the movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".  Great movie and I think everybody should go see it but of course there were a few things that pissed me off.  And to think I was getting better with these things but maybe not.

I hate when people know what time the movie starts but yet manages to come in late.  For some odd reason that sh*t bothers me to my core.  Maybe it is because there are always some a**holes that will want to sit in the same damn aisle that I am in.  Sure, I always find a great aisle but I got to the damn theater early to find my seat and not have to ruin anybody's viewing pleasure.  Since this technology sh*t keeps advancing I think once the movie starts all late people must sit down at bottom seats and have a stiff neck from looking straight up.  If anybody attempts to sit in the good section they should be hit with a stun gun by a usher.  Pretty sure there are some legal issues with that but f*ck em, I am sure they will make sure that sh*t does not happen again.

IF you do come late to the movie and it has already started please shut the f*ck up!!  That is damn rude to come into the theater talking and being loud at that.  Saturday, these 4 dickheads walk up the steps making all types of noise because they are looking for 4 seats together.  Hey, a**holes it is the opening weekend and you are late go f*ck yourself and sit your a** all the way down bottom with the rest of the non time telling bastards.

Something else that really really makes me mad is the price of the damn concession stand.  Why is everything at that motherf*cker expensive as hell.  Prices are tripled for damn twizzlers, gummi bears, and other dumb crap.  For some reason when I see all these people walk in with nachos, popcorn and all other types of overprice nonsense I always want to knock it out their hands.  One day I just might and I am sure a riot will ensue because if I walk in the movie and I have just paid for two tickets, two sodas, popcorn, nachos, and some candy I am whooping a**.  I mean that is like almost $50 for a damn movie experience. wtf!!

After a few of these outings I understand why people bootleg movies at least they can enjoy the damn thing!!

Sidenote* If you have a ankle bracelet on are you allowed in the movies or out the house past a certain time?  Somebody help I am not too familiar with this jail thing.  I don't really know sh*t about jail!!

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