Monday, July 11, 2011

It's all in the game!!!

 * Disclaimer*
I am just playing...kinda lol

Soooo, I was sitting online talking to one of my boys about work.  We were talking about the stresses of working and how it seems to be more mental than physical.  Within the course of the conversation hitting the lottery comes up because who the hell would not love to hit the lotto for something stupid!!!  Neither of us are habitual players but sometimes when times are hard you are willing to try and will throw a few dollars out there here and there because you can't win if you don't play.   So through our dumbness this question was posed by me:

Is it wrong to rob drug dealers? (yea I  We were joking about robbing regular people but that is just so wrong for so many reasons but robbing the drug dealer..isn't that just all in the game?  I mean they sell dope and destroy a lot of communities so they have to get got somehow, right?  Sure, I am wrong for robbing because we should not rob but I'm saying....(sly grin)  If the drug dealers are going to get robbed who do they call?  The POlice(B-more city accent) are out.  If I got my best Omar Little impersonation on and threw in some Robin Hood and gave some of that money to some charities.  F*ck giving to the "poor" their houses,cars, and clothes are better than mine. lol

All in all that would be doing a service for the community because budgets are tight and the Rollers can't be everywhere.  For those not in the know the Rollers are the  Po Po, 5 0, Jake, them boys and all them other good names that the good ole boys in blue are given.  Think about if we stick the drug dealers up they will eventually get tired of getting stuck up and will give the game a rest right? *doubt it*  Think about all the good that come out of this situation.  You don't have to pay the person robbing the drug dealer because they keep what they took.  The dealers take a hit with the loss of cash and can't re-up and that means less crack head motherf*ckers in front of 7-11 always begging you for change.  Sounds like a win to me!!

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