Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Men might be from Mars but women are just stupid...

I have long stood by the statement that most women lack common sense except for a few and my Mother.(I love you girl!!!)  Please believe I want to be proven wrong SOOOOO bad but it rarely happens.  Time and time again I am left scratching my head asking myself is it me?  What will be next is just random moments in time that may or may not be from me or somebody I know.
 Text conversation:

Lady: Want hummus for dinner?

Me (allegedly) : Just ate cupcake...I know nothing of hummus really

Lady: I'll get you shwarma. I have a gift card.

Me (allegedly): Aww thx but I am good.  Just ate cupcake.  Gift card from the work contest?

Lady: Nah just a random card. And I was talking about eating at 8PM but since you said no twice then forget you.

Me (allegedly): oh ok cool.  Tough crowd, I said no because I did not want it to be a waste. And say 8pm next time and there wont be any confusion.

Lady: I know what time you take a dinner break.  Clearly you don't jerk.

Me(allegedly): Please don't act like we have never gotten food not on my dinner break.

 * response*

*hour later*

Lady: Are we still eating?

I mean what the hell was that?  Tried to be polite and decline dinner and have somebody save their money and they get bent out of shape.  How the f*ck am I supposed to know what time you want to get me dinner if you don't specify.  Probably is my fault that I missed the "Mind Reading 101" class.
*Bloggers note*
As I was writing this blog if that was about me I just received that last text*

Will give another example just so you know it is real:

Girl:Wake up lets get breakfast.  I am getting dressed now.

Guy: Okay, well let me shower and get myself together.

Girl: Okay, well just text me when you are on the way.

Guy: Okay cool

*hour passes by*

The guy send a text to the girl saying he is on the way.  He shows up and knocks on the door and this is the exchange that happens next.

Girl: I am not ready what are you doing?

Guy: I sent the text message like you said.

Girl: Oh, well I aint respond!!

*baffled look on the guys face*

Listen, if I am wrong or missing something in that text message exchange please let me know.  I thought she told the guy to text when he is on the way and not text and wait for a f*cking response.  Again, I err-- the guy must have missed "Mind Reading 102" class.  Shoot, why the heck is she not dressed if over an hour ago she said she was getting dressed.  Does it really take women that long to put some damn clothes on?

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